The 9U All-Star Team is made up of the best 12 players available in the division, 1st or 2nd year. Depending on the interest in any given season we could field more than one team should the league feel that the division is strong enough. Of course, it also comes down to enough coach support.

Q - When does the season start?
A - In a perfect world we will start the assessment process in late May or early June to ensure we have enough time to prepare the kids. This team and any associated games, practices, assessments CAN NOT interfere with your spring house ball team. It will run until just after the Canada Day Long weekend.
Q - What does the assessment process look like?
A - There will most likely be 2 assessments. The first assessment will be an open try-out for all those interested 9U parties to come and show us what they have got! After that assessment the coaching staff/assessors will cut that team down to a certain size. Once that group is reduced to their liking they will host a second assessment for a "game like" scenario. Upon completion of the second assessment the coaching staff will choose their final roster.
Q - How many teams will they choose?
A - It really all depends on the amount of interest from the players. We have had years with one team and we have seen years where some parks have 3. We suppose it is a good "problem" to have when your organization and it's players want to play more baseball further into the summer. In 2018 and 2019 we had 2 teams, 1 "A" Team and 1 "B" Team.
Q - What are we playing towards?
A - There are usually 2 tournaments that these teams can play in. If we form 1 team they will play in both the "fun" tournament and the "9U Regionals" but if we form 2 teams the "B" team will most likely play in the fun tournament and the "A" team in the Regionals.
Q - What are the costs?
A - TBD each year. This is new to Triangle this season but in fairness, we can't spend funds that everybody pays into just to benefit a few kids. These fees will cover extra jersey, field time, umpires and tournament fees etc.
9U Coordinator
Brad Boyd