There are a variety of benefits to enrolling your children in youth
sports programs. There's the physical fitness aspect, as kids get the
exercise they need to stay fit and active. It's a grade booster, as
studies show that those who participate in youth sports are more likely
to do better in the classroom. Above all, however, sports are fun. It
can be very rewarding to watch your children dedicate themselves to a
sport while having a great time in the process.
there are a bevy of benefits to youth sports, there's one big benefit
that may not necessarily be top of mind: career building. Youth sports help provide career-building skills
that will benefit children years down the line when they're in the
workforce. Here's a look at some of the ways youth sports provides
career-building skills:
Preparation: They say practice makes perfect. Thus, not only is it important to hone your skills at a particular craft by putting in the practice hours, but it's also important to prepare for the game or task at hand from a strategic standpoint. Planning and preparation is an important part of a career, and it can all begin with the important details one learns before the big youth championship game.
Getting along with others: As your child plays sports, it's highly unlikely that he/she will be friends with every single teammate. The same can be said about the working world. You're not going to get along with everyone you work with and everyone you do business with. However, just as it's important on a team, in your career, you have to put differences aside and come together for the greater good.
Leadership: Leadership is another trait that's important in the workforce as well as on the football field, basketball court, baseball diamond, etc. Studies indicate that children who participate in sports are more likely to be hard workers and better overall future workers. They can thank the skills they learn from their days of athletics for this future success in large part.
Learning from mistakes: In youth sports, you win some games and you lose some games. Winning and losing is also a big part of life. While winning is great, it's how you deal with losing that's arguably the most important lesson but learning from your mistakes is as important in a career as it is in sports.
Confidence building: In sports, your child will gain confidence when he/she hits the winning jump shot or catches the touchdown pass with seconds left on the clock. Children develop poise that will help them build their game and ultimately perform better in future games. A career is the same way. If you have confidence in your work, chances are you're going to do a better job. If you don't have confidence, on the other hand, things could spiral out of control to the point where it becomes detrimental. Youth sports are all about having fun and learning the game, therefore such leagues are great for building confidence in youngsters.
Now Triangle Baseball would like to help get one player started with a bursary towards some post secondary education, to put to use the above mentioned skills. If you are a graduating player we would like to give you a $500 bursary towards those goals. All we ask is that you submit an "essay" of sorts, no set amount of words, on how baseball has added to your life. We will choose ONE recipient at seasons end in hopes it will play a part in reaching your educational goals.
If you have any questions feel free to let us now!
Please submit your entry (link below) or if you have any questions please contact President Brian White via email at

The submitting player must be registered in the season in which they are submitting.