Player safety is the focus of all of us within Triangle Baseball. Please report all accidents and/or close calls to your coach or executive member so we can address and implement any safety protocols as necessary. To ensure our Triangle players are cared for in the case of an untimely accident, our league has insurance in place for all our players and coaches which comes directly from your registration fees. Please see the links below for all related documents pertaining to Medical and Dental insurance and the liability insurance.
Each team bag is equipped with a first aid kit. Each concession is also equipped with a larger volume kit and extra ice packs. If coaches require materials to replenish your team kits, please contact our Safety Officer and they will get you replacement material asap.
Our designated Safety Officer is always available to assist with any claims and will be the signing authority on the forms as required.
Safety Officer - Dan Bourgoin
Email -trianglebaseballsafety@gmail.com